Basic Weight Loss Tips for Endurance Sports

Friday, April 9, 2010

There are probably millions of different diets and fads out there for losing weight. The basics of weight loss are that you need to consume fewer calories than you burn to lose weight. The amount of calories out needs to be greater than the amount of calories you take in. You can get into a whole bunch of specifics for ratios of protein to carbohydrate to fat; the end result is the same.

Reduce everything in incremental steps, if you go cold turkey, you will probably be back to old habits. It is not easy to break habits that you have had for years or decades. One thing former Ultraman Champion, Gordo Byrn taught me was that “Understanding what you look like now is because of decisions you have made in the past and that what you look like in the future is because of decisions you make now.”

Know that you are creating new habits now, and habits take a while to both build and break. Be the person in your family or peer group that others strive to eat like. Do not make comments on what other people eat. Know that you are simply making better choices.

Reduce and eliminate sugar.

Reduce highly-refined carbohydrates.

Reduce and eliminate hydrogenated oils, trans-fats, and preservatives.

Use smaller dishes and bowls. Studies have shown that smaller plates lead to smaller portions which lead to smaller waistlines.

Eat Less: Take what you would normally eat, and put a portion back.

Give In. If you find it difficult to keep certain foods away, indulge in small proportions at two times; either during or immediately after a workout. This does not mean that you should indulge day in and day out, but if you must these two times will have the least impact.

Eat as much real food as possible. Eat as much lean meat, vegetables and fruits. Leave anything else to be secondary. The less processed the better.

Remember that you are not alone and that most people have been in the same place you are today. If possible get a friend or family member to commit to lifestyle changes with you. Combining the following three healthy eating tips: Eat Simple, Eat Less, and Eat Natural with your current triathlon training regimen should help you to shed extra weight and specifically bodyfat.


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